
Sunday 19 December 2010

An Award, Yay, :0)

Hello blogging buddies, hope that you're well and enjoying the run up to the festive period? I've been just a bit busy lately and haven't had a lot of time, like a lot of you I'm sure:0)
I received an award and have only just got around to posting about it. From the lovely Deborah over at Deborah's Gems
This comes with a list of conditions but time is so short I really can't do them, so apologies to Deborah who was kind enough to send it to me, I hope I still qualify:0)
I hope that life's not quite as busy for you but my best guess is that it's just as frantic as it is here. I'm ashamed to say I've not even written my GB cards yet, ah! well best get on. 
Have fun  and best wishes to you all :0) xx


    1. Congratulations on your award, (well deserved)....then come the difficult bits.
      Yes, we had snow. I think the whole country must have it by now...problem is that ice will keep many trapped indoors. Will we all find some fresh vegetables for Christmas; that's the next problem!!!
      Have a good evening
      Sue xxx

    2. Congratulations on another wonderful blog award! I hope your holidays with family and friends are absolutely splendid. ♥

    3. Congrats on your award.. This time of year is pretty crazy for me also.. Hope you have a wonderful week my friend!

      Hugs, Linda

    4. Congratulations on your award


    I love to hear your comments. Sorry but I had to put moderation on, I will answer each comment and hopefully won't miss anyone out Thank you so much for your support, Gay.