
Friday 8 January 2016

A tree?

Hi folks, Happy New Year to you, I'm finally back with a new card to share, for Stampotique

Our hostess this week is Claudine Criner and she is asking us to use "Trees" in our creation this week.
Here is what Claudine says about this challenge:

"Trees have always been such a source of life for many living creatures and I just love them. I am asking you to add some trees to your entries this week"
My card........
                                                               with flash this time :D
 My tree is made from the Heads stamp, upside down, masked and coloured. Mr Stripes is hanging from the tree with a crown but is trying to make a friend, Gog Lin is just a little wary :D 
Thank you for stopping by, hugs Gay xx


  1. Wow. So creative and clever. I never would have thought to use "Heads" for leaves, which is also a phrase I never thought I'd write!


    Thanks for playing along with us at Stampotique Designers Challenges!

  2. Love, love, love this one Gay, it's amazing and I just love how your used Daniel's stamp to make that spooky tree haha! Thanks for joining us this week at Stampotique

  3. You might be crazy, but you sure are on clever crazy crafter, Gay! Turning that stamp upside down to make the leaf clusters is ingenious and the whole card is outstanding!! Happy New Year to you, too!! Hugs, Darnell

  4. Fabulous card Gay. Always a pleasure to see your takes on the challenges. Best wishes for 2016. Thank you for joining us for the first challenge of the year over at the Stampotique Designer's challenge blog. Happy creating, Gez xx

  5. This is superb, Gay! You are so clever, Jo x

  6. Oh! Gay you are just amazing and so creative, who on earth would think of putting heads upside down and make a tree out of them? You, that's who. Just WONDERFUL. love it all and great sentiment too.

    Good to see you back, hope all is well and 2016 will be good to you.

  7. Breathtakingly gorgeous Gay!
    Thank you for joining in with us at Stampotique this week :)
    Mwah xx

  8. Gay this is beyond brilliant, I LOVE the way you have created your tree and such a fab landscape. Thank you so much for joining in with our challenge at Stampotique, and have a lovely weekend. Sue xx

  9. What a great idea to use the heads like that ! Love it Gay ! Thanks for playing along with us again !
    Corrie x

  10. Amazing card, that tree :-O!

  11. Hi Gay, love your tree! What a clever idea but I'm with Gog Lin I wouldn't trust a spider!
    Val x

  12. It did take me a few minutes to recognize the "heads" stamp, Gay, and I think you were very, very clever in using that stamp! Love your answer to the "trees" challenge this week at Stampotique!

  13. What a fun idea to use the heads upsidedown! You created a fun tree! Hugs, Gerrina

  14. Happy New Year Gay, your card is brilliant, using the heads for the trees was inspired.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. That is one funky tree, love the way you've used heads to make the tree foliage, at first I thought it may be a cherry tree, then I took off my glasses and the heads became clear. Fab idea, love it. X

  16. Wotcha doin is brilliant Gay - just like you always do! What a fab. idea to use the heads for leaves! Must say though - I'm a bit scared of that huge spider!

    Sylvia xx

  17. Found your blog at Stampotique - this card is brilliant! I love how you used the heads for your tree!

  18. More fab work Gay,loving the quirky stamps and the little scene you created too ;) Viv xx

  19. WOOOOOW!!!!!!
    How brilliant it is Gay!!!!!!
    Also pinned this one of course hahaha, fantastic work I adore this!!! ^^
    Moreover I have this stamp (never used yet), thank you for the wonderful inspiration and idea LOL :)
    Hugs, Coco xxx


I love to hear your comments. Sorry but I had to put moderation on, I will answer each comment and hopefully won't miss anyone out Thank you so much for your support, Gay.