
Sunday 13 February 2011

Birthday card for a lovely Grand daughter.

10 is a hard age to cater for, (that is when you're still suffering from jet lag a week after your return:{) Not too cute, still feminine and not really into fairies at the moment, I was struggling:0) It didn't really hit the mark 'cos I feel it was too old for her but I tried and she was very gracious, bless her! I do know she loves butterflies. Useless Nan:{

 Luckily Mum (her mum, not mine, sorry for confusion) had come up trumps with the birthday cake, what a smasher, Pink and black WOWzers!!
Stuff I used:0)

Spellbinders dies
Tim Holtz flourish die
DCWV Mariposa


  1. Love the card, and that cake is amazing


  2. The card is beautiful and it's the effort that counts!! I've got a 17th card to make for my niece who's not a bit no pink/pourple/fairies/butterflies/flowers...I'm a bit lost at the moment...hoping for a light bulb moment...lovely to see you back..Esther xx

  3. This card is so wonderful, I love the style and colours. And this cake is absolutely gorgeos!!! Hugs, Alma

  4. WOW I think you card is just STUNNING suitable for any age and extra special coz you made it !! Oh don't you just want to dive into that cake LOL !!!!!

  5. A beautiful card MC - I'm sure your GD loves it. That cake is making me feel hungry, but it's too gorgeous to cut into!
    Hugs, Sylvia xx

  6. Your card is gorgeous,and what a fab

  7. An amazing card, I bet she loved it! It's great to have you back blogging. Pass some of that cake yum! Ger x.

  8. Woww this is absolutely gorgeous! Looks so wonderful!
    Hugs Kristel

  9. I think its difficult to make cards for children as they are into different things on a weekly basis, but am sure she loved this with all its great sparkle. Fabby cake and one very talented mother you have. Annette x

  10. Oh my Stunning cake!!The card is awesome,perfect for a now teenager lol!

  11. The card is beautiful!! The cake is fabulous - great colours - I'll bet it tasted good too!!

  12. Well I happen to think your card is Gorgeous.. And your granddaughter is goin to just love it!

    and that cake.. WOW!! What time should I drop by for a piece!! Hee Hee!

    Hugs, Linda

  13. Your card is gorgeous! You are too funny. Love the stylish cake - hope it was every bit as tasty as it looks!

  14. Hi , Love your gorgeous card, it's hard making cards for that age I think. Your cruel showing us such gorgeous scrummy looking cake. Hugs x ChrisB

  15. Such a neat card...hope your GD loved it!
    Her cake was pretty special too!

  16. Hi mustavcoffee
    Fab card very different ...Stunning the cake

  17. Absolutely gorgeous Sweetie biggest of hugs love Pops x x x

  18. Gorgeous card - love the butterfly bp, the fabulous swirls and the stunning sentiment label.
    There's a challenge some where that want's the sentiment as the main focal point - if I can find it again I'll pop back and let you know.
    Love that stunning cake - well done Mum (hers, not yours LOL).
    Heather xx

  19. I think the card is lovely and you are right it is very hard to cater for that age group! They are into one thing one day and something else the next...
    The cake also looks amazing, hope it tasted just as good :-)
    Love, Alex

  20. oooohhhh I think its just perfect for her, bet she loved it and wow that cake is amazing her Mum did her proud
    Mina xxx

  21. a beautiful card and yes, 10 is difficult! my granddaughter will be 11 in a couple of months and I'm scratching my head trying to think what to put on her card .. .. why do they have to grow up! mind you, thankfully they come back to pretty girls, fairies and flowers in time, well some do!
    hugs, annie x

  22. What a fabulous arty family you are!!!

    Gorgeous card- love the floaty feel, and what a striking cake. BRILLIANT!!!

  23. Ten is difficult, sort of in-between, but you have done a very good job, there.
    Thanks for your kind comment about my hand!
    Sue xx

  24. What a lovely card and a wonderful cake too!! It's nice to have you back and I must say that I am REALLY liking your blog background! xx

  25. Very nice job on both thanks for sharing!!!

  26. What a lovely card, I do love swirls. The cake is so unusual and very striking.

    Dee xx

  27. That is a stunning card and I am sure your Grand daughter loved it.

    An awesome cake too.

    What a lucky little girl!

    Love Jules xx

  28. Lovely card! Beautiful butterflies and a sweet sentiment. Gorgeous cake, too!

  29. Lovely card - i like the flourish, I am never sure where to place them it takes me hours!


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