
Saturday 12 February 2011

An Award, How lovely:0)

Look what was waiting for me tonight when I got back home from my grand daughters 10th birthday party
It's from the wonderful, Dotty Jo of Pudding Place fame! Thank you Jo!
I'm so pleased that she thought of me but I have certain duties to fulfill to qualify for this award

The rules of this award are as follows:
1. You must accept it, write a post about it and display it.
2. Pass it to 3 - 5 fab blogs and tell them that they have been given the Love Blog Award.
3. Link back to the person who passed it to you.
The aim of this award is to showcase great but not well known blogs, so don't tag anyone with 3,000 + followers.

Here is my list of blog stars, so difficult to choose, I visit some really brilliant blogs. I don't want to make anyone feel they have to participate but I would like them to know they are appreciated!
A new leaf   By Monique
My Happy Place by Linda 
Crafty Effusions by Esther
All great blogs and each one well worth a visit!

Thank you again Jo :0)


  1. Hi party girl.......congratulations on your award and have a lovely Sunday. Annette x

  2. Oh Thank you my sweet friend. I feel so honored.. I will link it up soon!!

    Hugs, Linda

  3. Congratulations, this is a wonderful award to have! I hope no one has 3000 followers. LOL

  4. Thank you!!Happy Valentines day!

  5. oooh..thanks, don't have time to do post just now but will get back to it later...what a nice start to my day today! Esther xx


I love to hear your comments. Sorry but I had to put moderation on, I will answer each comment and hopefully won't miss anyone out Thank you so much for your support, Gay.