
Friday 11 February 2011

Good to be back!

Hi, hope that all's well in your world today?
Myself, just back from 3 weeks in Sri Lanka, am still under the influence of jet lag. Either that or I'm more stupid than ever!
We were worried that the holiday would not actually happen because of the dreadful floods just before we left but Sri Lankans are a pretty resilient lot and there were few signs of the devastation where we went. A landslide in Kandy on the other side of the hill to our guesthouse doesn't count I've been told! After all it was open and it certainly didn't bother the Monkeys as they trawled over the roof at 6am.
Nice touch on leaving a great hotel!
We had  a totally 'wonderful/interesting' holiday, staying in 7 different places with accommodation ranging from 5star hotels to little guest houses. 
Mr Mustavcoffee is a traveller, Mrs Mustavcoffee is a tourist, there is a subtle difference. I know I sound spoiled and maybe I am but at the end of a day's travelling in very hot weather and sometimes challenging circumstances, I just need a hot shower! and a nice bed, good food is a bonus! Safe food is essential! I'd rather the mosquito's were kept at bay if at all possible, I did everything they tell you but got eaten alive:{ Talking about this to one inn owner his retort was 'ah! sweet blood' as if that would make me feel better!
I had one magical night when sitting in bed at 2am trying not to scratch the insanely tickly bites I realised that there were two fireflies in the bed under the mosquito net with us, yay, gorgeous! but hang on, if they can get in (not small insects) so can any other insect who wants to drink your blood! Arrrg!
Sigiriya rock

Sri Lanka is a fabulous place the people are warm, welcoming and by and large happy, certainly we got a lot of smiles. I love curry and Sri Lankan curries are delicious, beer is probably the best drink and I drank loads of it (3lbs gained Oh! Dear).
Sigiriya Rock, we climbed in the heat of the day up a spiral staircase that didn't feel very safe:{ but it was well worth it!

  Well, Wow what a view!
The soaring, flat-topped mesa upon which Prince Kasyapa built this acclaimed fifth-century compound, has been called the Eighth Wonder of the World for its engineering and utter audacity. 

Tropical storm at the beach, fabulous!!! You've seen sunny, gorgeous beaches, we had those too:0)

I'm a very lucky lady and have to come back down to earth now, lots of wedding cards to make. 

If you lasted this long pat yourself on the back and thank you for joining me.

These little guys are everywhere, chipmunks, never seen them in the wild before, noisy little devils too!

 Quite a few monitor lizards as well, this one had beautiful markings on his back.


  1. Wow what fantastic photographs .. .. you must have had a wonderful time.

    My favourite photo = that gorgeous, romantic looking bed .. .. my least favourite = those mosquito bites. They always go for me too!!!!

    I have never seen fireflies .. .. I bet they are gorgeous.

    I bet it will take you a while to "wind yourself back up" after 3 weeks away!!

    Have a good, and hopefully restful, weekend.

    Love Jules xx

  2. Hello sweetheart, great to have you back! Fabulous photographs, but oh my goodness those bites look painful. I'm a tourist too and have to agree that there's nothing better than a comfy, clean bed and a hot shower. Glad you had such a good time, Jo x

  3. sounds like you had an interesting holiday! and glad to be back home to rest and recover .. .. enjoy your weekend.
    hugs, annie x

  4. Looks really great! Love the pics!!
    Hugs Kristel

  5. The pictures are fab and really interesting. Oh your poor leg, hope the itching has stopped. Enjoy the weekend and totally relax. Annette x

  6. welcome home. the pics are great. I suffer from the same sweet blood. no matter what I do I get bitten. and it's always just me!!

  7. Ooh I am so jealous, you obviously had a great three weeks.One place I have not been to.xx

  8. Hi glad your back, your pictures are great. I'm very green I haven't had a holiday for 20years. Glad you had a great time , hope your bites are healing, they look dreadful. Love your picture of the chipmunks and the bed. Hugs x ChrisB

  9. Well it sounds like you had a wonderful time..
    I just love looking at all your photo.. I felt like I was there with you. I must not have that sweet blood.. Because My hubby always gets eaten alive.. And I won't have one bite. Oh well!! Good to have you back my friend..

    Hugs, Linda

  10. Lovely pictures, thanks for sharing! Looks like you had a lovely holiday! I always get bitten as well, no matter what I do. Hope your jet lag gets better soon!
    Love, Alex

  11. I loved reading this post, I have never been to Sri Lanka, and your photos brought it all to life. Your poor legs! Mozzies always like me too, they never touch Mike! Have a good rest this weekend,
    big hugs
    En xx

  12. Hi Mustavcoffee
    Missed you around ...glad to see you had good time ...not the bites though ...they are soooo itchy

  13. Hi again, please drop by my blog as there is a little something there for you! Jo x

  14. I love this post and I oohed, aahed and laughed my way through it! My husband even asked what I was laughing about so I told him about the mosquitoes drinking your blood and the fireflies trapped under the net with you. Ah, such fun! LOL The chipmunk is so cute. The scenery is gorgeous and I'm glad you had a wonderful time and are back home safe again! Thanks for sharing!!

  15. I'm so glad to see you had a wonderful time despite the miniature vampires!! You just passed my country on your trip ask Mr Mustavcoffee to take a trip to India..
    Thanks for sharing your pics!!

  16. Welcome home - hope the mozzie bites are better now - they always bite me too! Fabulous photos. I can't imagine climing all those stairs - but the view was certainly worth it!!


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