
Sunday 27 January 2013

Back again :0)

Hi Folks, me again!

Hope all is good with you  and your weather isn't playing up too much. It's all thaw here today.......................... this was last Sunday,

and this below is today,.................. poor 'ol Mrs Snowy LOL

We had so much fun in the snow with family it was such a brilliant day, so wonderful especially after having a few worries:0)
Things are looking up I'm very happy to say:0)

  I have made a card for LIM where the challenge this week is a sketch, by the talented Jen, such a simple design with lots of scope!

Here is my attempt,

and one with a sentiment although I'm not sure it really needs one

Stamps by Tim Holtz, Classics, #2 and a sheet from Sunday International, Art by Michaelangelo. The layer behind was stamped with the columns and then the card was torn and popped up in front leaving the images below. There is gold rub on paint on the torn edges of the design but it doesn't really show on these photos.
Have a great week my friends, it's good to be back with you all again, hugs Gay xx


  1. Hi Gay
    When I saw you pop up in my little box it suddenly dawned on me that I hadn't seen you for such a long time, part of that is my fault being absent myself before Xmas. Anyway, it's lovely to see you again and I'm sorry things have been a bit difficult. I hope the year improves for you.
    The snow thawed very quickly here too and we have even less of a snowman left in the garden. They do look sad don't they.
    Love your card as always.
    Hope you've enjoyed the weekend.
    hugs Lisax

  2. Hi Gay! Long time no see! I was MIA for a while glad you're back...hope all is well with you. We don't get snow here in Florida...well, we get a dusting occasionally which doesn't usually even stick to the ground! I love the look of your card with the torn edges over the columns...I've done something similar before and it always turns out did this. As for the sentiment...I think my favorite is the card without the sentiment

  3. Love your gorgeous card very nice to see you.Our snow has all gone

  4. Good to see you back in blogland and with such a fab card too


  5. Ooh, fabulous card, Gay, and I love how you've smudged the edge colours.

  6. Hi Gay, it's good to 'see' you again, I'm missed your visits & creations. Thanks for stopping by today and I LOVE this LIM creation. Both look great but I pick w/o the sentiment ! Beautiful work, have a great week, Shirleyx

  7. Good to see you back Gay and hope all is going well for you now.
    Smashing photos and am loving both of your fab cards, hugs Annette xx

  8. Lovely lovely card. So ethereal and masculine and elegant all at the same time. Classy!

  9. Fabulous as always Gay!

    I'm glad things are looking better for you. Not so good for the snow lady 'though lol!

  10. Fabulous as always Gay!

    I'm glad things are looking better for you. Not so good for the snow lady 'though lol!

  11. This is great, I must admit I'm a bit scared of using distress products but this looks so professional :) x

  12. Nice to see you again. This is a super card with great composition.

  13. A gorgeous card.I love your interpretation of the sketch.

  14. First of all I love your snowy alpen background,,,makes me feel right at home:) The snowman made me laugh...I love the before and after. To top it all off then your gorgeous card for LIM....I love it! Have a good week ahead!

  15. Stunning card Gay - love it.... and poor Mrs Snowy - she's become the incredible vanishing woman!LOL

  16. Pleased to see you back Gay and I hope things are on the up.
    Your card is gorgeous, as always. Love your colours.
    Lynne xxx

  17. Pleased to see you back Gay and I hope things are on the up.
    Your card is gorgeous, as always. Love your colours.
    Lynne xxx

  18. Fun to see your Mrs Snowy, not the way she turn out though...
    Loved your card too, lovely colours!!!

  19. Hi Gay, glad to see you back on blogger! Great card to for LIM xx

  20. Hi Gay
    Its great to see you back my lovely friend hope things are ok......
    You can still turn them out....
    Hugs Sylvie xxxx

  21. Hi there. Nice to see you back. Great snowman. We had a Snow Chook!! Really!!
    Great card there too. Love the sepia tones!

  22. Your poor Snowman - looks so sad! Nice to see the green though.

    Your card is really elegant - love the colouring! Think I prefer it without the sentiment.

  23. hello gay!! have missed seeing you in the LIM challenges... hope all is well! your card is fabulous! but your little snowman does look a bit sad!

  24. Love your arty card. The sponging on the torn edges gives a dreamy soft effect.


  25. Wahooo . . . she's BA-ACK! YAY!

    And with a totally brilliant inky card too! How DO you do it? I love this with and without the sentiment.

    Sarn xxx

  26. It's so good to have you back, Gay! I'm glad to hear that things are looking up!

    You obviously haven't lost any of your artistic talent with the layoff! Your card is sensational!!

  27. Hellooo Gay! Lovely to see you back in blog land, I have been pretty thin on the ground myself - my get up and go has got up and went! Very classy cards, looks great with or without the sentiment. Hope to see you again soon! Xx

  28. Great card = looks so sophisticated with the images and colour choice!

  29. gay i just love this!! so nice to see you back

    Thanks for Joining us this week
    Jen xx
    "Less Is More"

  30. It's so good to have you back my friend. Sounds like you have been enjoying your time. I love the photos of the snowman. And your card looks amazing.

    Wishing you a happy week.


  31. This looks amazing Gay!
    It's so good to see you back in the groove!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  32. A beautiful CAS card Gay.
    xxx Hazel.

  33. a vintage CAS card an absolutly stunning card! I love it!

  34. This is so elegant looks great with and without a sentiment and love your pics of Mrs Snowy x

  35. Another fabulous card Gay, I am glad things are improving for you also, hugs :) Viv xx

  36. So you have been making a snowman?....Me too! Well, I have to say it was for our son!!!!
    Beautiful card...Love what you did with the stamps...very clever! Beautiful inking too! Bravo! xxx

  37. Beautiful cards, Gay. I like it with and without the sentiment. ann


I love to hear your comments. Sorry but I had to put moderation on, I will answer each comment and hopefully won't miss anyone out Thank you so much for your support, Gay.