
Tuesday 22 January 2013

Friends :0)

Hi there my friends:0), Over at LIM the subject this week is friends, what a great idea for a challenge! Yes! I finally got the time and inclination to make a card, it's long overdue but I hope you like:0)

Hero Arts sentiment and an Emerson lady from Art Impressions, she makes me smile, what a fabulous hat :0)
I also made a card for my son's birthday, as ever my male cards are a challenge but this one fell together and I really enjoyed making it,
Washi tape and a sentiment from PTI then Tim Holtz splatter and star, done!!
Thank you for dropping over, hugs Gay x


  1. Hi Gay, I Love your LIM card, such a fab image.
    Avril xx

  2. Hi Gay - it's great to see you again my friend!!!
    Love your CAS cards - the Friends image is wonderful and quirky - love it! Your Son's card is a brilliant masculine design - I struggle with male cards too, but this is fantastic.

    I do hope all is well with you and yours - keep warm and take care - hugs, Sylvia xxxx

  3. Oh it is so nice to see you...I hope you are keeping well,I love both your cards but then I always love whatever you make.Take

  4. Hi Gay
    I hope you are ok.... Long time no see missed you......
    Gorgeous cards.....
    Hugs Sylvie xxxx

  5. Both beautiful cards. The image of the friends card is so cute.

  6. It's so nice to see you back Gay, we've really missed you!
    Both of these cards are simply magic! The 'friends' card is brilliant, what an amazing image and your son's card is just perfect for a chap!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  7. Both are absolutely brilliant Gay.

  8. Hi Gay . . . lovely to see you back again . . .and with TWO FABULOUS cards. I love them both - they are equally superb.

    Sarn xxx

  9. Hi Gay welcome back, so lovely to see you:) Fab cards as usual, love your friends image and sentiment. The washi tape makes an amazing male card, must get some and have a go! Hope everything is ok with you and that your sister has recovered.
    Val xx

  10. It's a pleasure to see you again here!! :-) Lovely colourful card!

  11. 2 great cards Gay - but Hat Lady is awesome!

  12. Long time now see Gay. Hope you are well!
    Great cards there. Love the bottom one - men are so tricky to make for whatever their age!

  13. Hands down my fave card in the gallery this week - that stamp is divine!
    I really love your son's card too - fabulous use of washi and splattering.

  14. Hi Gay, that is such a fab stamp and sentiment on your friends card and the washi and splatters are perfect for your son - the messy splatter would certainly be perfect for my son! Hope you're keeping well. Tahe care. Suze xx

  15. Well there you are my sweet friend. I have missed you here in blogland. I do hope all is well with you. All I know is that these cards look amazing. I love how you used that washi tape. and that cute image has me smiling.


  16. gay so nice to see you again.. just love both of your cards

    Thanks for joining us
    Jen xx
    "Less Is More"

  17. Hello Gay, I've missed you so! If you drop by at my blog you'll see a bit of a coincidence as we've both used an Emerson Q stamp! I love these but can't find them for sale anywhere. Great card, Jo x

  18. Hi Gay, lovely to see you back! Two fantastic cards to come back with too! Love your LIM one!

  19. She made me smile too Gay. x

  20. Lovely to see you back Gay. Both cards are fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  21. oooh I missed these cards, they are both fab but am totally loving the Friends card, she is so fab. xx

  22. I have so missed you and do hope that whatever it is that is causing you worries will soon be at an end , am thinking of you and sending lots of positive thoughts your way. Love your cards, the first one is just beautiful and the sentiment is fab. The card for your son is a little masterpiece !

    Take care


  23. How lovely to see you back. I really like these cards. The bold sentiment and fun image on the first card really made me smile. Love, love the second card!

  24. just love your girly card!Superb!


I love to hear your comments. Sorry but I had to put moderation on, I will answer each comment and hopefully won't miss anyone out Thank you so much for your support, Gay.