Good Luck to you all and Thank You again. I will keep this post at the top of the page until the 11th June:0)
p.s A very warm welcome to my new followers, Malyn, Cynthia, Ancient Elf and Anne and all who have joined lately, :0)
p.s A very warm welcome to my new followers, Malyn, Cynthia, Ancient Elf and Anne and all who have joined lately, :0)
Congratulations and celebrations! Well done! Hugs, Valerie
Ooh, that paper looks gorgeous! Congratulations on your (104) followers and thanks for the chance to win. xx
Congrats on all your followers MC. Err . . . I don't properly "follow" anyone . . . but you ARE on my sidebar list . . . does that count?
Hugs, Sandra
Congrats, MC, for hitting a "century" of followers!
Congratulations and you are very generous. I hope Mr.Mustavcoffee is up to the task!
This made me smile quite a bit!
It does not take much to make me giggle.
Best wishes
Sue xx
Oh, forgot to say, my Blogger problem has gone away. Back to normal it seems!
Sue xx
Now its a 105.......woo hoo
Thank your for the chance of winning your lovely prizes. Annette x
Don't know why you are surprised your blog is fab
Awww, congratulations on over 100 followers! Well deserved.
Just popped by to say congratulations for the LIM showcase and now I might be in with a win for blog candy!! weh hey!!
conratulations on both counts
Sue x
Congrats on your 100th follower. It's a great feeling when that little counter registers another one isn't it, I have 2 more to go to reach my hundred, I never thought I'd see the day!!
Thanks so much for the chance to win your candy.
Here's to the next 100!!
Hugs Lisax
Congratulations MAC, you scored a century. May long you continue ( fanfare )
Jenny :)
Congrats on 100 followers..wishing you 100 more! maybe 200 more! :)
Congratulations from number 100 lol!
GReat candy and that is currently my all time favourite paper
Congrats to you and 100 followers... xoxo Elin
Wow..well done you how exciting ! OOh..that die is on my wish list so keeping lots of things crossed! Esther xx
I suspect you will soon have another 100 soon, your CAS cards are amazing.
Ain't I glad I followed you before you got this goodie out? :-)
good luck to me. is that too selfish? *smile*
Malyn at ThinkInkCreative
Well congrats and it is now a booming 108 as I type....your work is wonderful so get ready for the next couple 100 more:) Have fun!
It looks as if you might have 200 followers by the 11th June! Congratulations on such a quick following MaC (of course it's not surprising at all!) and I must say I approve of roping Mr MaC in for the scientific draw! Vx
Yea... Congrats to you my sweet friend..
Hugs, LInda
BIG congratulations on your 100 followers, great news and thanks for the candy. Tracy x
Congrats on passing the century mark ! well done. Just to let you know that I have a very sweet tooth and love all forms of candy.
Congratulations on reaching past 100 followers that is quite some milestone. Gorgeous candy very generous of you. XOXO Zoe
100 Wow! A big congratulaions you deserve them your cards are fantastic. Thanks for your lovely comments on my cards. I can't believe how many of your cards I've missed while busy with my wedding ones. Gorgeous, gorgeous every one of them. . Have been out tonight with my daughter and we had a lovely time.Have a great weekend. Great candy by the way. Thanks for a chance to win. Take care Hugs x ChrisB
Congratulations on reaching your first century .. .. there will be losts more to come I am sure.
Although today everyone's followers seem to have disappeared. Perhaps they have gone off on a "jolly" somewhere for the Bank Holiday!! LOL!!
Hope you have a good one.
Love Jules xx
There are two bits of your postings that have made me smile, one is you have used my middle name and you are announcing the draw on a very special day for me. So i hope i'm in with a great chance to win some candy as i usually don't enter.
Huge congratulations on reaching your 100 plus followers who seem to have disappeared somewhere... Another Blogger problem methinks. You deserve your followers for all of the wonderful cards and inspiration you share on here. Off to comment on your LIM entry,late as not been too good:-)
Hippity Hip Hooray! I'm so happy to have been following you all this time and sharing in your successes! You are so sweet to offer up such gorgeous blog candy. Have a fabulous weekend!
AWWW!.. congratulations!.. your cards are BEAUTIFUL and you so totally deserve a whole many followers! :D
Well, a big congrats on your 100 followers! I finally hit that number too, only my followers have now disappeared thanks to blogger!
And yes...it was me who posted from typepad. Blogger has really been acting up this week and wouldn't allow me to sign in, so I used my typepad sign-in to leave comments.
Well, MAC, you make it sound like fun just to scientifically get the number!! :-) Tell me, are those the dies they use to get the flowers shown in the background on the pack? Need to look into those!! Have a great anniversary!!
On a different note:
I noticed that the Followers thumbnails have been missing for quite a while now. I reported it and you can too here: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/blogger/ask?ln=0271191b4249689a&hl=en
Good morning Gay - congratulations on your 100 followers! What fabulous candy - that Rose die is one of the things on my wish-list!!!!
Re. the follower pics. - mine have also been missing for more than 24 hours. Mr BLogger is a mischievious little so-and-so isn't he!
Have a happy Sunday - hugs, Sylvia xx
congratulations on your 100 followers achievement :)
it sound's gr8 :)
Somehow I've forgotten to congratulate you on 100 followers!! And your candy surprise is wonderful - keeping fingers (and toes) crossed!! xx
Congratulations on reaching 100 followers...you shouldn't be surprised your blog is so inspirational...
Congrats 'ton up' girl!!
Should be more following your inspirational creativity - soon will be I'm sure!!
I've stuck a link in my side bar for you.
Heather xx
Hi Mustavcoffee
Hope ou are well...only just gone on to Comp....mr Blogger still playing up ....
am trying again
Hi Gay
Hiya you special lady, its your lazy blogger friend, though not lazy gardener!!just been having a look at what you have been up to WOW WHAT A GORGEOUS SELECTION love the poppy one thats bleached, and the torn butterfly one and the coop one, and the ... hey guess what I love them all, always so interesting.
congrats on reaching 1oo followers, though I see now today that you are at 116 wow.
take card have a happy week love chris xx
Hi Gay, just want to say congratulations on being one of the new DT's for the Craft Barn and cannot wait to see your entries.
Also congratulations on getting over 100 followers. I would love to be put in the draw for your lovely blog candy. Thank you.
Hugs JO.xxx
Congrats!!! and congrats on your new position at The Craft Barn, I love your clean style!!
Congratulations...That paper is gorgeous and so isn't that die.
congratulations on your new appointment as a Dt for The craft barn, looking forward to seeing more of your inspirational projects
wwwoooohhhoooo huge congrats Gay...and thanks for a chance at your sweet stuff
Mina xxx
Glad to be here and be your new follower #127. Hope you have many more.
130!! and you deserve it ! :-)
Congrats with your followers :o)
Thanks for offering such a lovely candy.
Hugs Laila
Congrats for your followers!!!While I cross my fingers for your beautiful candy!
Thanks for this chance!
Hugs Francy
thanks for these gifts, it's on my blog http://lescrapdesuperdidine.over-blog.com/article-blog-candy-crafty-musings-76125318.html
Congratulations on having over 100 followers.
I love your style and your creations--thanks for giving away such yummy goodies!
Well done on getting 100 (well deserved!) followers! and it's very generous of you to put up a candy like that!
Love, Alex
wait a second a candy time?! that s amazing!!!! you deserve more than 100 followers!!!! thanks a lot for sharing your fantastic work and ideas!
Congratulations on (now) 139 - err - 140 followers!
This candy is so sweet, haven´t seen those dies before!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Greetings from germany!
Gratulacje, cudne papier i wykrojniki oraz kwiaty :))
Hola Gay, thank you for to visit my blog last week, i'm happy to see you.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!, but i think you have more than 100, is fantastic.
I love your summer girls stamps BEAUTIFUL!!!.
Have a nice week.
A hug from Palma de Mallorca
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