Sunday, 12 January 2020

That’s Crafty are on Hochanda 😊

Hi there
Hoping my crafty friends are well, today I am sharing a sneaky pic of  some crafty makes that I did for the shows on Hochanda , Monday at 10 & 2 then on Tuesday at 10 again. The lovely Jo Channon is demonstrating some gorgeous new stamps, masks and stencils. All the great pastes, paints, mediums and sprays will be available
 New stamps on this one, I just love circles 😊
This is a new stencil with the fab T C paints, I love the Antique Gold!

This is TC Texture paste, I used paint to tint it and followed up with painting individual parts! 

Enjoyed making this one it’s part of a triptych very subtle colours ! 😊
Hope you can join us for the shows
Enjoy your Sunday 😊💕😘

1 comment:

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

WOW! those look GORGEOUS Gay.
Faith x