I'm moving because so much of my blog list is in Google reader I really don't want to loose you all and this way I can keep in touch!! I hope LOL
This is a sticky post that will stay on top until I get my head around all this new stuff!!
Hugs Gay x
P.s I saw a post on this blog Sew Many Ways Lots of info on moving your blog reader to Bloglovin Hope that it helps, it certainly helped me, Thank you Karen x
Hi Gay I'm now following you on Bloglovin. I'm totally in the dark how to change my blog to Bloglovin although I have managed to get all my followers... Help!
Confused! xx
Suzi said it all! I've signed up for bloglovin & manage to see post of the blogs I follow on there but as I'm rather Neanderthal when it comes to computers....need I say more!
Hi Gay,
Since I came back from holiday my blog has been playing up, and now I've had to change to Bloglovin...AARRGH!
Not got a clue how it works, or if it ever will, LOL! Fingers crossed!
Why do they mess with things?
Hoe you're well xx
Oops! Now I've done a typo....sorry, I meant... Hope you're okay xx
I'm confused ! I thought Blogger was no longer going to have Google Reader but the blogs you follow will still be there at your Dashboard on your reading list. I'll do some research :) Take care, Shirleyx
Hi Gay - I'm already following you on Bloglovin anyway ...... it's so handy as you get a daily digest of new posts; hence my visit now! lol
Karen x
I am a complete techno numpty and haven't got a clue what all this is about Google Reader that everyone is on about. I am more than confused and just tootling along hoping it's not going to affect me because I can't get my head round how to change it anyway. I think ostriches do that don't they ..... bury their heads in the sand, lol?
Lesley Xx
I have been on Bloglovin for awhile now.. I am liking it.. HOpe you will also..
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