Today I'm catching up with Less is More
One Layer card
You may use heat or dry embossing.

Today my card is embossed with silver embossing powder, I bleached out the colour so that I could paint with Twinkling H20's and then Diamond glazed.
Stamps Hero Arts, clear poppies and
Andy Skinner text Gothic. Stamped in Brilliance, pearlescent Orchid.
Second card, trying to save you having to comment twice :0)
Embossed with craft concepts folder, Budding Vine that had been inked with Versa colour celadon and then I heat embossed the result with Kaleidoscope clear embossing powder, not sure you can see that.

Not too sure I like the way the card is distorted by the embossing but it's 300gsm card, I've had it under a heavy book, nothing more I can do about it.
Okay! Enjoy what's left of the weekend and TTFN Thank you so much for joining me here, you really are most welcome :0)
Notes on bleaching.
If you've not done this technique before. Do take care! bleach is not the nicest thing to inhale or get on your clothes or you!You will achieve differing degrees of success, not all card stock bleaches well, you need to test the card before you start.
Emboss your image. Then with the cheapest, thinnest bleach and using an old paintbrush, carefully paint the bleach inside the design. When you've got the degree of lift that you need let it dry and either leave or paint with the colour of your choice.
Hope that helps if not my email is at the top of the page I'll be happy to help :0)
Wow what an absolutely stunning cards. Love them both very much!
Two smashing cards and I'm loving the one on dark card!
Missed blogger when it was down - I suspect all of the LIM-ettes did!
I love both your cards MAC but the first is my favourite. I love Twinkling H2O `s on dark card, beautiful and a gorgeous stamp too.
Lynne xxx
Hi Mustasvcoffee
Fabby cards i have that Poppy stamp uninked!!!!!
You make some Super Cards them....
Hi Mustavcoffee
Who is Andy Skinner ?????
Your two new cards looks really stunning!!
Hugs Nicolet
Both are lovely cards but my preference is the first. The second one reminded me of the army for some reason. I think it's what looked like a badge in the top corner, I would have liked this card without that touch. Hazel x
These are beautiful pieces dear! Love the difference in it!
Hugs Kristel
2 lovely cards, although the first one is my fave. I have been busy with LIm too, but up till now, mostly things for the bin! Valerie
Wow, I love both cards ,but the first one is special. Hugs Rita xxx
Gorgeous cards - I think I prefer the first one!
Wow, these are both gorgeous cards. I love the poppies on the first, but both are fab. Jo
Beautiful cards, its the first one that grabs and holds your attention and imagination. Love it
Yep both missed blogger and enjoyed the time without it LOL We all seem to have been a bit lost without it though. XOXO Zoe
breathtakingly beautiful! I love the poppies on the black background. Stunning!
Hi MC . . . two terrific cards there, but if I had to choose, it'd be the first one as it's so dramatic!
Hugs, Sandra
Both beautiful cards. Love the colours on the second one, and the poppies against the black background look stunning! Lisa x
Both cards are really gorgeous. I like the text on both, but my favourite is the black card with the pink and silver flowers - stunning!
The first one does it for me, the results are great against the black card. Annette x
Two fab cards, LOVE that poppy, so elegant
I'm now your 100th follower :)
wow... both are just lovely! i really like the first one best, though!
Two beautiful cards but especially love the first one!
Helen x
Two stunning
Thank you for having us! Your cards are both as gorgeous as ever but I particularly like the first. I can't even get over the way you did the flowers! Vx
Two lovely cards but the first is stunning. Carol x
What gorgeous cards! I love the poppy image stamped on the black card, it's so dramatic!
Beautiful cards. The first is stunning - I love the way you've coloured the flowers. Sarah x
Fantastic card, those poppies look fabulous!
Thank you MaC
Diva LIM mandi
"Less is More"
Hiya - Beautiful cards - I especially love the top one, so elegant! I must be one of the few who didn't really notice blogger was gone...was so buys at work and subsequently tired at home, the trouble came and went without me paying too much notice!! Did lose a few comments tho..Esther xx
Wow, those poppies look amazing! Fabulous cards! xx
I think that your idea of bleaching the dark card so that you could use a lighter coloured paint is brilliant and I'm going to have to have a go as I love the effect of normal bleaching... you have taken it one stage further! Wonderful, I have to say that this is my fave of the two.
Thanks so much for two fab submissions.
Lady LIM
"Less is More"
oooo two cards, nice one!!
they are both fab, but love how you did the first one on dark card
Fab cards, you're so brave embossing on black card... I find it so unforgiving with stray powder and the anti static dust bag!!!
Love the pink poppies against the black and love the colours on the second card too :)
Jenny x
I love this, your image on the black card is striking!
I've never tried bleaching - sounds a bit scary! Two lovely cards, I can't choose between them. Love the poppies but I also love the angel! xx
Actually, they are both so elegant I could not pick a favorite! Whoever gets them will keep them!
Both your cards are beautiful, but love the one with the black background. Yvonne x
I really love the balck one! Very striking.
Kelly xx
two great cards, those poppies are gorgeous,
Liz x
2 stunning cards, both very beautiful
Hugz Fleur xXx
Two fabulous card, but your first one is definetly my favourite
Beryl x
Your first card is my favourite as the pink, silver and black colour combination is gorgeous. I also love the way you have used text in the background of both cards-a technique I really like but rarely manage to pull off.
Heather T
Wow MC! Two fabulous cards - I absolutely lOVE the Poppy one - the colouring technique is fab. - totally elegant! Hugs, Sylvia xxx
Wow you've done it again two Stunning cards. I love them both. I adore the poppies on the first and I love the embossing, colours and the over stamping on your second. You realy do make the most wonderful elegant cards. Have a good week. Hugs x ChrisB
amazing cards my friend.. The embossing on both look wonderful.. Hope you have a wonderful week my friend..
Hugs, Linda
Gorgeous work as always hun!!! Jo x
Love both your cards...but I think MY favorite is the first one! That dark background is perfect with the silver EP!
While blogger was down, I lost a post and all the comments (about 15) the post back, but no comments! :(
Two very different but very gorgeous makes.
I think the first one would have to be my fav.
I love black on cards .. .. always looks so dramatic and stylish!!
Great poppies too.
Hope you had a good weekend.
Love Jules xx
Oh these are so gorgeous.
Two stunning cards. I especially like the Poppies. The way you've bleached out the colour to paint them is really striking.
Hugs Lisax
Hi Mac 2 very beautiful cards I just love the poppies.. Chris xx
Love that text stamp you used on both cards, and I love the inked embossing folder on the second one too. I especially like the one with the poppies, I've just got a thing for poppies!!
Thanks for stopping by already.
Stunning cards. I really love the flowers and the text on the first one - beautiful!
Caroline xxx
Wonderful cards. Love the poppies!
Sue xx
Hi There
Both are fabulous but the first one stole my heart, absolutely stunning so beautifully created well done you are a real inspiration.
Gorgeous. I love the one on black. It's stunning!
wow-two stunning cards. The first one is great with the silver against the black and the second one is so unusual-sort of reminds me of venetian/rocco.
Hello!!!! Both gorgeous but have to say the black one is the one that really floats my boat - I really fell in love with this one!!
Heather xx
You're still in my email list LOL
Both cards look so nice! Black colored card is tricky for me, but you did a very good job. Thanks for your inspiration.
Both are BEAUTIFUL...but I have to say the black one with the poppies is especially lovely!! I used bleach on my card, TOO:), what fun...but you THEN colored yours...amazing!!!Wonderful card:)!!
Wow these are absolutely gorgeous! I can't choose between them. Ger x.
Hi ya, both are stunning cards but I have to say I think the first is just totally amazing! I get stuck in such a rut would never think of bleaching card to be able to use dark cardstock, part of the reason I started doing LiM to try new things. Sarah
both cards are stunning, but the first one is my favourite. gorgeous!
Hi, two fabulous cards, love the poppy stamp, thanks for the info on bleaching.
Avril x
Your first card is gorgeous! The black CS just stood out among the entries. And I love the colors on your second card; so pretty!
These are both so beautiful, especially the first one! I couldn't figure out where you used the bleach after you mentioned it in the end but it does seem like a smelly technique. LOL
Hi there, thanks for your bleaching tips, am copy 'n' pasting them for reference and will be trying it soon!!
2 gorgeous cards, but the black one just pips it for me, stunning :-)
Hugs xx
Two great cards, love the idea of the bleaching too, looks very effective here :O) Viv xx
Loving your top card. I've heard of bleaching but not tried it myself. You've made such a good job of this one. I like your adapted version of your second card too. x
Congratulations. I really like it
Adore that first card - great idea with the bleaching :-)
love love love the angel stamp!!!!!
Jaw dropping!!!!! This is just so beautiful...congrats.
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